When searching for the right tennis racquet, you are likely to come across recommendations involving rackets made with different kinds of materials. Tennis rackets used to be made of wood. Nowadays, you will find them in a wide range of materials that are aimed to maximize durability and performance. Knowing and understanding the type and qualities of each material used in tennis rackets can help you make an informed decision when choosing the best tennis racquet. Here is a brief list of the types of materials used in tennis rackets:
- Graphite – Most lightweight frames are made of 100 percent graphite or with a composite like fiberglass, titanium, tungsten, Kevlar, and copper. Pure graphite will have a stiffer feel, so they are ideal for players who can hit with a lot of power. Composite graphite tennis racquet frames are more flexible and generate less vibration, making them suitable for beginners.
- Kevlar and boron – While similar to graphite, a tennis racquet frame that is made of boron and Kevlar can transmit vibrations readily. They are durable, but less forgiving compared to aluminum and graphite, making them best for more experienced players who have mastered control.
- Aluminum – If you find graphite tennis rackets expensive, aluminum should be a good alternative. Most entry-level rackets are made of this material, but they are typically heavier compared to graphite. They are ideal for recreational players, too. Aluminum frames are either bi-hollow or tubular, and the shape should determine their durability and flexibility. They provide a moderate level of feel and power. Bi-hollow frames are ideal for beginners, while tubular aluminum frames are ideal for experienced players who can hit with more power.
- Tungsten and titanium – Some tennis racquet manufacturers build racket frames with tungsten and titanium, which are typically combined with carbon fiber or graphite to make the product stiffer as necessary.
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